Steak Doneness Levels: A Guide to Perfect Cooking

Steak doneness is a term that describes the degree to which a steak is cooked. It is an important factor for steak enthusiasts, chefs, and diners alike, as it greatly affects the flavor, texture, and juiciness of the meat. The doneness of a steak is generally determined by its internal temperature – the higher the temperature, the more cooked the steak is. Preferences for steak doneness can vary widely, ranging from rare to well done, and can be influenced by personal taste, cultural background, or health considerations.

Understanding the different levels of steak doneness is essential for achieving the desired result when cooking steak. Each level corresponds to a specific range of internal temperatures and has distinct characteristics. Rare steaks, for example, are often warm in the center with a bright red color, while well-done steaks are usually brown throughout with no sign of pink. Both chefs and diners need to communicate clearly about steak doneness to ensure that the steak served meets expectations. Additionally, the use of a reliable meat thermometer ensures accuracy in reaching the desired doneness.

Key Takeaways

  • Steak doneness refers to the internal temperature of the steak, affecting its taste and texture.
  • Clear communication and understanding of doneness levels help achieve the perfect steak.
  • Accurate temperature measurement and proper resting time are critical for desired doneness.

Understanding Steak Doneness

Choosing the correct level of steak doneness is a critical factor in achieving the desired flavor and texture. The cooking time and temperature determine the doneness, affecting both safety and personal preference.

Temperature Ranges and Texture

Rare: A rare steak is typically cooked to an internal temperature of 120-125°F and will have a cool, red center. The texture is soft and slightly chewy.

Doneness LevelTemperatureCenter ColorTexture
Medium Rare130-135°FWarm red centerFirm yet with a springy feel
Medium140-145°FWarm pink throughoutFirmer to the touch
Medium Well150-155°FSlight hint of pinkMostly firm
Well Done160°F and aboveLittle or no pinkVery firm and stiff

This table reflects general standards as outlined in the Done to Perfection: Your Guide To Steak Doneness.

Meat Safety

It’s important to consider food safety when preparing steak. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends an internal temperature of at least 145°F for whole cuts of beef, followed by a rest time of three minutes. Well done steaks are recommended for the highest level of safety, as they reach temperatures that tend to eliminate harmful bacteria. However, some diners prefer their steak less done for taste and texture reasons. Always use a meat thermometer to ensure accurate internal temperature readings.

Common Levels of Steak Doneness

Choosing the right level of doneness for a steak affects its texture, juiciness, and flavor profile. Knowing the differences is crucial for both chefs and diners to ensure the steak is enjoyed as intended.


A Rare steak is mostly red in the center and slightly pink around the edges. It has a soft, tender texture and will be cool to touch in the middle. This level of doneness is achieved when the steak reaches an internal temperature of approximately 125°F, just enough to warm it through.

Medium Rare

Medium Rare steaks are warm with a mostly pink-to-red center. It is firmer than rare but still very juicy with an internal temperature around 135°F. This level is often preferred by steak connoisseurs for balancing flavor and tenderness.


A Medium steak presents a hot, pink center surrounded by brown meat. It offers a slightly firmer texture than medium rare and achieves an internal temperature of about 145°F. It’s often selected for providing a middle ground between juiciness and firmness.

Medium Well

Medium Well steaks have just a hint of pink in the very center, with the majority of the steak being well-done. The temperature for this doneness is typically around 150°F, resulting in a firmer texture that’s less juicy compared to medium.

Well Done

Steaks that are Well Done are brown through with no sign of pink. They’re cooked at temperatures above 160°F, which creates a much firmer and drier texture. Some diners prefer this level of doneness for its thorough cooking and stronger grilled flavor.

Cooking Methods and Doneness

Different cooking methods can achieve various levels of doneness in steak, which is typically determined by the internal temperature at which the meat is cooked. Each method brings out a unique flavor and texture in the steak.


Grilling imparts a distinctive charred flavor and is ideal for cooking steaks to different degrees of doneness. For a medium-rare steak, one usually grills it for approximately 4-5 minutes per side on high heat, aiming for an internal temperature of 130°F to 135°F.


Broiling uses high heat from above often in an oven setting, and steaks should be placed close to the heat source. A medium doneness, which is often preferred, requires the steak to reach an internal temperature of about 145°F, usually after 5-7 minutes per side.


Pan-searing in a skillet over a high heat initially, and then finishing at a lower heat, is effective for controlling doneness. If one desires a medium-well steak, one should look for an internal temperature of 150°F to 155°F, after searing each side for 2-3 minutes and then cooking it further till the right temperature is achieved.

Tools for Measuring Doneness

Achieving the perfect steak doneness relies on precision. Knowing the exact moment when to remove steak from the heat can be the difference between an average and a memorable meal.

Meat Thermometers

The most reliable tool for measuring steak doneness is a meat thermometer. By inserting the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak, individuals can read the internal temperature and determine the doneness level. Here are the key temperatures for steak doneness:

  • Rare: 120-125°F (49-52°C)
  • Medium Rare: 130-135°F (54-57°C)
  • Medium: 140-145°F (60-63°C)
  • Medium Well: 150-155°F (65-68°C)
  • Well Done: 160°F (71°C) and above

Proper use of a thermometer is crucial. To understand this process, the thermometer should not touch any bone or fat for an accurate reading.

Touch Test Method

The touch test method is a tactile alternative for those without a meat thermometer. It compares the firmness of the cooked steak to different parts of the hand. The softness of the meat correlates to the various doneness levels when pressing with fingers. Here is a brief guide:

  • Rare: Feels like the fleshy area under the thumb when relaxed.
  • Medium Rare: Feels like the fleshy area under the thumb with hand slightly tensed.
  • Medium: Feels like the fleshy area under the thumb with hand tensed.
  • Medium Well: Feels much firmer to the touch.
  • Well Done: Feels very firm with no give.

Note that the touch test method requires experience to interpret correctly and may be less accurate than a thermometer.

Resting Time Importance

Resting time is a crucial step in the cooking process of steak that often goes overlooked. After removing the steak from the heat, it should sit undisturbed for several minutes before cutting. This period allows the meat to distribute juices evenly throughout its fibers, resulting in a moister and more flavorful steak.

Here’s why resting is essential:

  • Juice Redistribution: The heat from cooking causes meat juices to move towards the center of the steak. Resting provides time for the juices to reabsorb into the meat, preventing them from running out on the cutting board when sliced.
  • Carryover Cooking: Steaks continue to cook slightly after being removed from heat due to residual heat known as carryover cooking. This allows the steak to reach the desired doneness.

Recommended Resting Times:

  • For steaks up to 1 inch thick: 5-7 minutes
  • For steaks over 1 inch thick: 7-10 minutes

According to Serious Eats, resting steaks is critical to retain its juiciness, while ThermoWorks Blog suggests that it also contributes to a steak’s texture and taste.

Failure to rest steak properly can lead to a less satisfying eating experience, with the meat being drier and less flavorful. Therefore, patience during resting time plays a significant role in the final quality of a perfectly cooked steak.

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