Emu Sausages: Nutritious and Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Meats

Emu sausages are an increasingly popular choice of meat for those seeking an alternative to traditional pork or beef sausages. Derived from the emu, a large flightless bird native to Australia, these sausages offer a unique spin on a classic culinary favorite. With a combination of rich flavor and health-conscious characteristics, emu sausages are steadily making their way onto dinner plates around the world.

The taste and texture of emu sausages is reminiscent of other red meats but offers a lighter and more tender profile. As demand for environmentally friendly and health-conscious food options continues to grow, these sausages stand out as a viable alternative. Consumers and chefs alike appreciate the various qualities that emu sausages hold, including their low-fat content and impressive nutritional benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Emu sausages provide a unique and flavorful alternative to traditional pork or beef sausages.
  • The growth in demand for environmentally friendly and health-conscious food options has contributed to the rising popularity of emu sausages.
  • These sausages offer a range of nutritional benefits, such as low fat content and high protein content, making them a healthy choice for consumers.

History of Emu Sausages


Emu sausages trace their roots back to the indigenous people of Australia, who have been utilizing emu meat for centuries. With emus being native to Australia, their meat was an important source of protein for the Aboriginal people.

In recent years, the interest in emu meat increased due to its health benefits. Emu meat is lean, high in protein, and low in fat, making it a great alternative to traditional meats. It was during this period that emu sausages started gaining popularity, as they offered a new and exotic twist on the classic sausage.

Popularity Growth

Despite the potential benefits and novelty, the popularity growth of emu sausages has been slow, mainly due to the high costliness of emu meat. A pound of emu costs anywhere from $25 to $30, making it more expensive than even the most premium cuts of beef. This price difference has limited the wider adoption of emu sausages, restricting them to niche markets.

However, emu sausages have found a following among health-conscious consumers and culinary enthusiasts looking for unique and exotic flavors. While still not a mainstream product, emu sausages are steadily gaining attention and carving out their own niche in the specialty food market.

Production Process

Butchering and Meat Preparation

Emus are sent for processing after being raised by farmers who engage in all aspects of emu husbandry, from breeding to growing out birds (source). The butchering process starts with the careful separation of emu meat from the bones and skin. Emu meat is then trimmed of excess fat, ensuring the final product is lean and high in protein.

Spicing and Flavoring

Once the meat is prepared, it is ground and mixed with salt and various seasonings to create a flavorful sausage mixture. Researchers have developed optimized processes for making emu meat frankfurter sausages, characterized by high protein and iron contents, as well as low fat, salt, and calories (source). The specific blend of spices and flavorings used may vary depending on the desired taste profile and regional preferences.


After being seasoned and mixed, the emu meat is stuffed into casings to form sausages. Like other types of sausages, emu sausages can be made by stuffing the meat mixture into a container or casing (source). The filled casings are then checked for quality and uniformity before being sealed and packaged for distribution.

To ensure the safety and quality of emu sausages, the packaging process should adhere to strict sanitary measures and meet relevant food safety standards. The final packaged emu sausages can then be shipped to various markets, offering consumers a high-protein, low-fat, and iron-rich alternative to traditional pork or beef sausages.

Nutritional Information

Emu sausages offer various health benefits by providing essential nutrients in a lean and sustainable form of meat. In this section, we focus on the protein, vitamins, and fat content of emu sausages.


Emu meat is known for being a good source of protein, essential for muscle building and overall bodily functions. Comparatively, emu meat provides similar protein content to other meats, making it a viable alternative for those looking to diversify their protein sources or switch to more sustainable meat options.


Emu sausages contain essential vitamins such as B12 and B6, which have important roles in maintaining overall health. Vitamin B12 plays a crucial part in the production of red blood cells and DNA, while vitamin B6 aids in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Including emu sausages in your diet can help ensure you receive these necessary vitamins for proper bodily functions.

Fat Content

Low in fat, emu sausages can be an attractive option for those who are conscious of their fat and cholesterol intake. Their fat content is significantly lower than that of traditional pork sausages, making them a healthier choice. Additionally, emu meat is low in cholesterol, making it a more suitable choice for individuals looking to manage their cholesterol levels or prevent cardiovascular diseases. This lean meat is not only good for your health, but also a sustainable option for those looking to minimize their environmental impact.

Benefits of Emu Sausages

Dietary Health

Emu sausages are a nutritious and health-conscious choice for meat lovers. Emu meat is relatively low in calories and fat compared to other meats, with 100 grams of ground emu meat containing only 130 calories. This is lower than beef, pork, or ground lamb, and slightly higher than the white meat of turkey or chicken. Moreover, emu meat is a great source of iron, protein, and vitamin C, and contains low levels of fat and cholesterol, similar to poultry.

In addition to its nutritional benefits, emu sausages may also provide essential vitamins. It is worth noting that emu meat is higher in vitamin B12 and niacin compared to beef. A 100-gram serving of emu meat provides about 70% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 and 30% of niacin. These vitamins are crucial for maintaining overall health, as they help support a healthy nervous system and promote energy production.

Environmentally Friendly

Emu sausages not only offer health benefits but also contribute to a more sustainable food system. Emus are native to Australia and can thrive in a wide range of climates. They require less land and water resources compared to traditional livestock animals like cows and pigs, making emu farming a more environmentally responsible choice. Additionally, emu farming may have fewer negative impacts on the environment, such as greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and water pollution.

Choosing emu sausages over traditional meat options can be an excellent way for consumers to support sustainable agriculture practices and reduce their carbon footprint while still enjoying the flavors and textures of a delicious sausage meal.

Regulations and Standards

Emu sausages, like other meat products, are regulated to ensure quality and safety for consumers. In the United States, the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) provides guidelines for sausage production that must be adhered to by meat processors.

Sausage is defined as a coarse or finely comminuted meat food product prepared from one or more kinds of meat or meat and meat byproducts, containing various amounts of water. It is crucial for emu sausages to comply with these standard definitions and ingredient specifications.

In addition to following general sausage regulations, emu sausage producers must also consider food safety guidelines established by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). This ensures that the production process and additives used in the sausages are safe for consumption. For example, phosphates are commonly used in sausage production, and the FSIS guidelines specify maximum amounts for each additive class and its purpose within the sausage formula.

It is essential for producers to maintain accurate records and documentation of their sausage production processes to demonstrate compliance with these regulations and standards. Regular inspections and testing are conducted by FSIS to ensure that meat processing plants adhere to food safety guidelines.

In summary, emu sausage production is subject to various regulations and standards that aim to protect consumers and ensure high-quality products. Producers must take care to follow guidelines such as the eCFR and FSIS requirements to maintain compliance in their operations.

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